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Anchor Mesh

Mesh safety covers stretch across your entire pool and protect it and your kids from falling in. Both the Anchor Mesh Safety Pool Cover and Defender Mesh Safety Pool Covers are lighter in weight and easier to handle and store than solid covers. The Defender Mesh pool cover is designed to reduce chemical loss from pool water, block debris from entering the water and keep kids or animals from falling in. Another benefit of mesh pool covers is they are self-draining, removing water from the cover all winter long.

Solid Covers

Solid custom pool covers are ideal for providing both safety precautions and protection for your swimming pool from debris. Anchor Industries Classic Solid Safety Pool Cover and 5-Star Solid Safety Pool Cover are made from 14 ounces vinyl-coated fabric, providing smooth surfaces that protect your pool and allow for easy debris removal. These super-strong fabrics resist tears, rips, sun damage, and the effects of chlorine while blocking all sunlight from a pool.

This feature also inhibits algae growth, ensures incredibly easy cleanup in the spring, and helps keep the pool area attractive all year. Their solid covers are also treated with antimicrobials to resist mold and mildew growth and the prevalence of odor-causing germs. Each of these swimming pool covers is relatively easy to install and remove. Plus, both the Classic Pool Cover and the 5-Star Pool Cover come with a limited 10-year warranty.